

Barbara Novak Professor of 艺术历史  




After class over Zoom and by appointment


安妮Higonnet works on art since 1650, on childhood, and on collecting. 她得了B.A. from Harvard in 1980 and her Ph.D. 1988年从耶鲁大学毕业.  Her work has been supported by Getty, 古根海姆, and Social Science 研究 Council fellowships, as well as by grants from the Mellon, Howard and Kress Foundations. She has published many essays, 五本纸质书, and two book-scale digital projects, is a prize-winning teacher, 并进行了广泛的讲座, including in the Live Arts program of the Met Museum.  Most recently, she directed a website about the world’s rarest and most radical fashion plates: http://stylerevolution.github.io/.

Selected Publications

A Museum of One's Own; Private Collecting, Public Gift, Periscope Publishing, 2009.

刘易斯·卡罗尔 (出版社,2008)

“博物馆看到." In 艺术与公众, ed. 安德鲁·麦克莱伦. 布莱克威尔,2003. 

Pictures of Innocence: The History and Crisis of Ideal Childhood (Interplay), 泰晤士河 & 哈德逊,1998.

《世界十大电子游戏平台》. Camille Claudel and Auguste Rodin." In 重要的人. eds. Isabelle de Courtivron & Whitney Chadwick, 泰晤士河 & 哈德逊,1993.

图像随笔. 在卷.V .; V . 女性的历史, eds. Michelle Perrot and Georges Duby, multiple American, European, and Asian editions, 1992-95.

Berthe Morisot's Images of Women. (Harvard University Press, 1992) 

Berthe Morisot. 一本传记. (multiple editions 1989-95)